
Hello Everyone, I'm Varun I like Math and Computer Science



Tic_Tac_Toe Minesweeper.png Nim

Campus Connect

  • Campus Connect helps students to form chat rooms, organize an event, or to find a sporting partner
  • The host of a chat room, or an organizer of an event has access to moderate the chat room or an event
  • Django is used for this Project

Links for Campus Connect

Tic-Tac-Toe AI

  • Tic-Tac-Toe Game AI using Minimax in Python
  • Alpha Beta Pruning is implemented in the Game

Links for Tic-tac-Toe AI

MineSweeper AI

  • MineSweeper Game AI in Python

Links for MineSweeper AI

Nim Game AI

  • Nim Game AI through reinforcement learning in Python

Links for Nim Game AI

Neural Networks

  • Neural Networks to classify road signs based on an image of those signs
  • Implemented using TensorFlow
  • DataSet used is German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark which contains thousands of images of 43 different road signs

Links for Neural Networks


Course Certificate


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python

Web Programming with Python and Javascript

Introduction to Computer Science

Harvard_CS50_AI_Certificate Harvard_CS50_Web_Certificate Harvard_CS50_X_Certificate


random_image random_image random_image

Follow Giga

  • My First Game On Scratch
  • Follow Giga is an interactive game that I have developed in Scratch
  • Character Giga swaps places with other clones of giga and the player should follow Giga and find out where the real Giga is

Links for Follow Giga

Help Pico

  • My Second Game On Scratch
  • This Game revolves around a character ( Pico ) whom the Player should help avoid obstacles to get high score

Links for Help Pico

Math Game

  • I developed this interactive Game to help kids with Math
  • A Character randomly asks math problems to kids and assigns the score
  • As the score gets higher, the problems get tougher

Links for Math Game



I have recently started making Youtube videos of Math and Computer Science

Check out My Youtube Channel if you're interested :)